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3 Things To Consider When Renovating The Basement
August 30, 2021

3 Things To Consider When Renovating The Basement

How Mian Technicals Renovating the basement: Basement remodeling and renovations are important ways to make your house more beautiful. Basement is the unpleasant part of the house but Mian technicals remodel and renovation the basement of your choice. Importance of Light: In a basement, natural light will shine less naturally into the room. Windows and…

The Different Kind of Paints And Their Uses
August 23, 2021

The Different Kind of Paints And Their Uses

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Some Ways to Freshen up Your Home’s Interior.
August 20, 2021

Some Ways to Freshen up Your Home’s Interior.

f you want to make a great look at your house. Here are some ways to decor ideas and freshen up your home’s interior.  You don’t need to buy new furniture, you can change the color of your furniture. An easy way to give you a mini-makeover is by decorating your shelves with real and…

Choosing Unique Color Schemes Helps With Mian Technicals For Your Homes.
August 17, 2021

Choosing Unique Color Schemes Helps With Mian Technicals For Your Homes.

From a colour wheel to start the work to help you create your own color scheme. There are primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Primary Colours: These are orange, green  and purple. When two primary colours are combined. For Example: yellow and blue are equal parts make green colour. These colours are formed. Tertiary Colours: Choosing…

How To Mian Technicals Works Home Renovation and Painting Services In Dubai?
August 16, 2021

How To Mian Technicals Works Home Renovation and Painting Services In Dubai?

Mian Technical Works specializes in providing top-notch specialization providing top-notches throughout Dubai. As we know, the value of the property is increasing daily. The idea of home renovation, home improvement is the process of home renovating. If you want to remodel your house, you need to visit our website. Mian technicals are experts in every…